Enriching the Lives of Veterans

Team Red, White, and Blue

Fitness events are just the beginning.

Team RWB serves the veteran community by focusing on phyisical activity, social activity and community service. They host thousands of events every year around the country with hundreds of chapters. Their 200,000 members needed a way to find, register and check in to events and the Team RWB mobile app is the answer. Launched in September 2019, Get it on Google Play or iOS App Store. Don't worry, civilians are welcome to join the fun too!

Cross Platform Simplicity

Simultanious Android and iOS launch.

Team RWB Mobile rolled out on both platforms simultaniously. Built on React Native and Salesforce, Retronyms Labs helped design a custom API that integrated with RWB's existing web stack.


Retronyms Labs assisted with project planning, and extensive wireframing and prototyping. All stakeholders are involved in the process as we continue to iterate and plan for 2020!


Our goal is nothing short of a successful launch — and we delivered. The app has a 5 star average with thousands of users onboarded. Retronyms Labs stood by during the launch window to ensure that servers remained performant during the launch window when partners emailed millions of prospective users. The app cracked the top charts in the fitness category. View the App Store story.